Certified Boats
NMMA certification

NMMA Certification is a program designed to help boat manufacturers comply with industry safety and construction standards and federal regulations. In order to be NMMA Certified, boat manufacturers must certify agree to certify each boat model they produce.
How to find an NMMA Certified boat or yacht
- Ask your dealer
- Visit NMMA Boat Shows , Most show directories indicate who is NMMA Certified.
- Look for the NMMA Certified logo on the capacity plate of boats up to 26' or on the yacht plate of yachts 26' and larger. Plates are usually located near the helm.
Why is an NMMA Certified boat better?
All boats sold in Canada must meet Transport Canada regulations; NMMA Certified boats must also meet standards set by the American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC).
ABYC standards cover more systems and components than Transport Canada standards.
NMMA Certified boats undergo third-party inspection to ensure all applicable standards are met; the result is a safer boat for you and your passengers.
What does Certification cover?
The NMMA Certification program covers over 30 categories of standards, which vary by boat type and may include:
- Fuel systems
- Ventilation
- Passenger and weight capacity (on boats under 26')
- Horsepower Capacity (on boats under 20')
- Flotation (on boats under 20')
- Electrical systems
- Navigation lights
- Warning label placement and guidelines
- Steering systems
How does a boat become Certified?
Manufacturers build a boat to ABYC standards under the guidance of the company's NMMA-trained Certification specialist.
NMMA inspects the completed boat to make sure it meets the established standards. If any oversights are found, the manufacturer must document the changes made to bring the boat into compliance.
Boats that successfully pass this inspection process are considered NMMA Certified.
How do I know if a boat is NMMA Certified?
Look for the NMMA Certified logo on the capacity or yacht plate, located near the helm. Ask your dealer.